VALIDATION by Kurt Kuenne Starring TJ Thyne Part II of the short film feature that began with "Rent-A-Person" To be shot in glorious Black & White 8/11/04 © Kurt Robert Kuenne. All Rights Reserved.
SPPLLTTT!!! A TICKET spits out of a MACHINE at the... ENTRANCE TO A PARKING GARAGE -- DAY (INT./EXT.) A HAND reaches out of an idling CAR. Grabs the ticket. The LIMIT BAR rises. The car drives into the garage, passing a sign: "Two Hours Free with Validation". EXT. SHOPPING MALL -- DAY A DEPRESSED YOUNG MAN walks, Parking Ticket in hand, reading a sign which proclaims: "VALIDATION - This Way ---->" ...which DEPRESSED follows around a corner and... INSIDE A HALLWAY ...where a CURLY-TOPPED MAN with a 1000-watt smile waits patiently at a kiosk. His name is HUGH NEWMAN, which we'll learn later. Depressed stops before him, ticket in hand: DEPRESSED I'm here to get validated, please. Hugh takes a good look at Depressed, then makes eye contact. His eyes pierce right into Depressed's soul, as Hugh points his finger at him: HUGH You -- you are awesome. DEPRESSED (completely caught off guard) ...Excuse me? HUGH You have an amazing face. You've got powerful features, man. Anyone ever tell you that? DEPRESSED (bewildered) HUGH And listen, you look a little down. And it may seem like people don't understand you sometimes -- but someday, man. (MORE) Someday -- people are gonna see you for what you are. Depressed starts to smile. DEPRESSED really think so? HUGH Absolutely, man. You're great. KA-CHINK! Hugh stamps his parking ticket and hands it back. As Depressed steps away beaming, Hugh's next customer - a BUSINESSWOMAN - approaches, ticket outstretched: BUSINESSWOMAN I'm here to get validated, please. Hugh turns it on again: HUGH You -- you are great, ma'am. You have amazing cheek bones. The Businesswoman lights up like a Christmas tree: BUSINESSWOMAN (blushing) really think so? INT. OFFICE - MALL OPERATIONS -- DAY An official looking man in a SUIT is engaged in deskwork, when a panicked MALL COP appears in his door frame: MALL COP Sir -- we've got a situation. EXT. MALL PARKING GARAGE -- DAY The HEAD SUIT marches along, flanked by MALL COPS and other SUITS, staring in bewilderment at... A BUSTLING LINE OF PEOPLE snaking out of the parking garage. Blocking traffic. Causing gridlock. And they're all holding PARKING TICKETS. HEAD SUIT What the hell's going on? They follow the line... 2. HUGH (cont'd) INSIDE THE GARAGE ...where it leads to Hugh, at his kiosk, who is in the middle of telling glowing OLD WOMAN, whose parking ticket he is stamping: HUGH ...You've been through it. You know. You have so much life experience that people just don't appreciate. But you know. OLD WOMAN Bless your heart, dear. The Suits/Cops watch the goings-on, mystified. The Old Woman leaves. A MIDDLE AGED MAN steps up: MIDDLE AGED MAN Validation, please. HUGH Oh -- sir, you are in great shape. Do you work out? MIDDLE AGED MAN (happy someone noticed) I do, actually, a bit. Yeah. As the exchange continues, a Mall Cop explains to the Head Suit: MALL COP They're not patronizing the shops; they're just coming to see him. HEAD SUIT (angrily determined) Not for long. The Head Suit steps up to Hugh and cuts off the conversation: HEAD SUIT (cont'd) (to Hugh) Young man, we're running a business here, not a social club... Hugh takes in the Head Suit, then cuts him off with: HUGH That is a fantastic suit, sir. It really flatters you. The Head Suit stops. Caught off guard. Flattered: 3. HEAD SUIT (blushing) Really? You think so? LATER Hugh is validating the Suits and Mall Cops, who hang on his every word: HUGH You guys work so hard. You're the backbone that keeps this place running. MALL COP (emotional, smiling) All this time I felt I like no one appreciated me. HEAD SUIT (as if in therapy) Yeah, I mean, our jobs are so stressful, and it seems like most times people don't see it... HUGH No. What you do is so important. Head Suit looks at Hugh, beaming. Gets an idea: HEAD SUIT You know, I bet the boss man would love to meet you. INT. OPULENT CORPORATE OFFICE -- DAY Hugh sits before a CORPORATE FAT CAT, seated behind a glorious oak desk. The Fat Cat hangs on Hugh's every word: HUGH You are great. You provide hundreds of jobs, sustaining hundreds of families. That's huge. FAT CAT (smiling, vulnerable) That's so good to hear. Most times I feel like people don't recognize that. I'm just the big, bad man on the hill... HUGH Not at all. You give. 4. FAT CAT You know, I know some people who'd probably like to meet you: And with that, a swingin' GOSPEL RHYTHM kicks in -- Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. -- as we see: -- HUGH WITH GEORGE W. HUGH No matter what people say about you, you've still got a great golf swing. Never forget that. -- HUGH IN A JAIL CELL WITH SADDAM HUSSEIN HUGH You have a fantastic mustache. I bet Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck look at you and get envious. I'm not kidding. -- NEWSPAPER HEADLINE: PEACE BETWEEN ISRAEL, PALESTINE Parking Attendant Moderates Talks Hugh is pictured in a group hug with Israeli and Palestinian leaders. A Gospel Choir starts SINGING over the rhythm: GOSPEL CHOIR (V.O.) Smile smile smile Toss that frown down on the pile (Oh Lordy --) -- NEWSPAPER HEADLINE: SMILE - DENTAL BUSINESS BOOMING Trend Credited to Parking Attendant Hugh is pictured with smiling DENTISTS holding toothbrushes. GOSPEL CHOIR (V.O. cont'd) Smile smile smile You'll forget 'bout all yo' trials The musical number continues as we move about... A DENTIST'S OFFICE -- DAY Numerous PATIENTS lie in chairs as DENTAL HYGIENISTS hold suction tubes and drills in their mouths. The Patients sing "Ooo" (as well as they can with their mouths full) while the Hygienists take the melody: 5. HYGIENISTS (cont'd) Smile smile smile Take a load off for a while Fill with a toothbrush: "Brush-a-brush-a-brush-a..." The beat continues while the singing takes a break: TV NEWS FOOTAGE OF HUGH validating people, with his name displayed for the first time: "Hugh Newman". REPORTER (V.O.) Hugh Newman. A man who is changing the world with free parking and free compliments. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. EXT. HIGHWAY - SHOULDER -- DAY A POLICE OFFICER, who has pulled Hugh over, reviews his Driver's License. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. POLICE OFFICER Your license has expired. HUGH That's why you're so good at what you do. You are so thorough. POLICE OFFICER (blushing, smiling) You think so? HUGH IN A TV INTERVIEW -- SOMEWHERE Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. REPORTER Hugh, what is your secret? HUGH I just like to see people smile. Reveal that Hugh is in the... DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES -- DAY ...standing in a line marked: LICENSE PHOTOS. The throng of PEOPLE surrounding him - tired working people from all walks of life - join in the final rousing chorus: 6. GROUP So if you're feelin' blue All ya gotta do Is take a good hard look and find the good in you Smile smile smile (oh Lordy -- ) Smile -- SMILE!!! BANG! The End. The Reporter turns to camera and reports: REPORTER It seems there is no one Hugh Newman cannot make smile. And with that, a woman's voice barks out: WOMAN (O.S.) Next! That means him. Hugh steps forward happily (could he walk any other way?), and rounds the corner to... THE PHOTO SPACE -- DAY A plain area illuminated by an erratic, buzzing flourescent light. Hugh steps into the PHOTO SPACE, ready to have his picture taken...when he stops. For the first time, he sees... THE WOMAN OPERATING THE CAMERA. She is absolutely radiant. Long, curly brown hair. Piercing eyes. Hugh cannot take his eyes off her. Instantly, he has fallen in love. He smiles, beaming. She has one impossible-to-miss feature, however: No smile. Not even a trace. The Camera Woman just stares at him impatiently. Coughs. "Ahem." CAMERA WOMAN Sir. She points to a sign on the wall, which reads in a very loud font: ABSOLUTELY NO Smiling Smirking Humor or General Gaiety permitted Hugh doesn't even look at the sign. He's entranced by her. 7. CAMERA WOMAN No one smiles in their driver's license photo, sir. It's not allowed. Hugh just smiles, glows, gazing upon her, as if in a fairy tale. Finally, she barks out: CAMERA WOMAN Next! Hugh is yanked off his spot. LATER Hugh leans against the side of her booth, gazing at her in rapture. She ignores him completely, grinding through one bored, hang-dog photo subject after another -- creating the classic apathetic images seen on Driver's Licenses everywhere. CAMERA WOMAN (takes a picture, then:) Next! Enchanted Hugh spills forth: HUGH You are amazing. You're so efficient. CAMERA WOMAN (ignoring him perfectly, takes a photo) Next! Hugh sees her name tag: "Victoria". HUGH Victoria. That's a beautiful name. VICTORIA (takes another photo) Next! LATER The end of the day. Few people remain. Hugh is still in the same spot, gazing at Victoria in awe as she carefully puts away her camera for the day. HUGH You really take care of your equipment. They're lucky to have you. 8. VICTORIA (stone faced) We're closing, sir. HUGH Victoria -- (he stops her; eye contact) I just want to see you smile. A moment passes between them. There seems to be something there -- but Victoria doesn't let it rise to the surface. She remains stone-faced. VICTORIA Good night, sir. Hugh pulls out his Parking Ticket: HUGH Where do I go for... VICTORIA We don't validate, sir. She turns and walks away leaving Hugh all alone with his unvalidated Parking Ticket. He watches her go. Determination crosses his face. INT. DMV - PHOTO SPACE -- MORNING Hugh waits in the License Photo line with a BIG BOUQUET OF FLOWERS. VICTORIA Next! Hugh marches right up to her and presents the bouquet. HUGH They match your eyes. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. She just looks at him. Blank. VICTORIA Next! INT./EXT. MALL FOOD COURT -- DAY Victoria eats a mall salad, staring into space. Hugh sits across from her: 9. HUGH You eat healthy too. See, you take good care of yourself. That's awesome. Stone face. EXT. CITY STREET -- DAY Victoria walks her DOG, a large BASSETT HOUND. Hugh walks alongside her: HUGH See, this is why you're a great pet owner. You've given him a full hour walk. Most people wouldn't take the time, but you care. Stone face. EXT. COFFEE SHOP PATIO -- NIGHT Quiet. Crickets. The two sit in silhouette at a lonely table. Victoria sips a latte, stone faced as always. Hugh asks: HUGH Have you ever smiled? VICTORIA Yes. A response -- there is a God. HUGH When? VICTORIA When I was younger. HUGH I'll bet you were a beautiful little girl. What happened to you? Beat. VICTORIA Next. Then, a series unfolds: INT. DMV - PHOTO SPACE -- VARIOUS DAYS -- Hugh presents Victoria with a HUGE BOX OF CHOCOLATES. 10. -- A huge STUFFED ANIMAL that looks like her dog. -- A basket filled with STILL PICTURE FILM. IN BLACK LIMBO CALENDAR PAGES whoosh by in fast motion. Months pass. Finally: INT. DMV -- EVENING Hugh waits in line. Worn. Sullen. Not the man we once knew. No gift this time. VICTORIA Next! Hugh walks to the photo mark. His smile gone. He looks at her with despair and heartbreak. And in a voice barely above a whisper, he says: HUGH I just wanted to see you smile. She hears him. Takes in his broken stare. There's the briefest moment of connection -- he may have reached her -- but finally, she snaps his picture. Eye contact. VICTORIA (heartfelt) I'm sorry. (beat) Next. With a heavy heart, Hugh leaves. INT. PARKING GARAGE -- DAY Hugh sits at his kiosk. A broken man. A line waits to see him. At its head is Depressed, our friend from the film's opening (who is no longer Depressed). He steps up, beaming, ready to be validated: DEPRESSED (expectant) I'm here to get validated, please. Hugh looks him over apathetically. HUGH You're...okay. I guess. 11. Depressed is shocked. The line behind him gasps. DEPRESSED I'm..."okay"? Did you say "okay"? HUGH (Droopy the Dog) Yeah. You're fine. DEPRESSED You don't have anything else to say? HUGH (shrugs) What's the point? Depressed is thunderstruck. Hugh stamps his card and Depressed leaves - once again, depressed - with his head hanging low. The line behind him slowly dissipates in sorrow. LATER Hugh's normally filled Garage is now barren. Silence. The HEAD SUIT crosses the cavernous space, footsteps echoing - - and hands him a pink slip: "Notice of Termination". EXT. SEEDY AREA -- DAY Hugh sits on the curb, wrecked. He takes a long look at his TOOTHBRUSH -- and throws it in the gutter. He won't be needing that anymore. EXT. CITY STREETS -- DAY Hugh walks along, his head hung low, when he is stopped... YOUNG MAN Excuse me, sir? a YOUNG COUPLE. Obviously tourists from their attire. In love and on vacation. YOUNG MAN Would you take our picture? Hugh looks -- and realizes the "Hollywood" sign is visible on the hill behind them. He looks them over. Then: HUGH Sure. 12. Hugh takes their camera. They pose. HUGH Smile. They smile a cheesy "smile for the camera" smile. Hugh stops. Doesn't take the picture. Instead, he chastises them: HUGH That's not a real smile. The couple look at each other, confused. HUGH You love each other? They nod. HUGH (cont'd) You're on vacation? Travelin' the world? (more nods, then reflective:) God, that's great. I wish I could travel the world with the woman I love. I wish I could have someone take our picture. I'd really smile. You guys have every reason to smile. (Hugh's on the verge of tears) You're gorgeous. You're in the prime of your life. You guys...are great. The Young Couple is moved by Hugh's words. Absolutely beaming now. They're smiling a completely sincere smile. Suddenly, Hugh sees it, and for the first time in months, he lights up like Times Square: HUGH Hold it right there. Hugh snaps their picture; they're now smiling a sincere smile from the heart. HUGH Now, that's a smile. One more. (snaps another) One more. He snaps photo after photo...excitement builds...his spark returning... 13. EXT. CITY STREET / HOLLYWOOD SIGN VIEW -- VARIOUS Hugh is taking the picture of another vacationing COUPLE. He coaches them to incredibly sincere smiles: HUGH Where did you two meet? LADY On jury duty. HUGH Served your country and met the love of your life -- you guys are awesome. ANOTHER COUPLE HUGH What do you love most about your wife? MALE TOURIST She accepts me. Despite knowing me. A sincere smile erupts. Pull back to reveal... A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER with a large format camera trained on the Hollywood sign -- but he has stopped his work and is watching Hugh intently. He approaches our hero: PHOTOGRAPHER Excuse get the most sincere smiles out of people that I've ever seen. You wanna make some extra money shooting stuff like this? The Photographer holds out a picture frame with a generic "Happy Couple" photo of two ordinary people inside, adorned with the frame manufacturers' logo. INT. CITY BUS - MOVING -- NIGHT Hugh snaps a picture of a YOUNG COUPLE in tuxedo service uniforms seated nearby -- who are just about to kiss. (They are JAMES COLEMAN and WENDY from "Rent-A-Person". This scene is in that film.) HUGH Pardon me, folks. Sorry to interrupt. Are you models? 14. JAMES HUGH Would you like to be? EXT. MALL COURTYARD -- DAY Hugh has stopped a middle aged WOMAN IN A WHEELCHAIR with very strong eyes, but a very sad expression... HUGH You have two of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. The Wheelchair Woman is caught off guard: WHEELCHAIR WOMAN Excuse me? HUGH Your eyes -- they're gorgeous. You’re gorgeous. I'm serious. And your dress matches your eyes -- it's perfect. She lights up. Hugh indicates his camera: HUGH May I? The Wheelchair Woman nods, a little embarrassed, but unable to supress a smile. Quite clearly, no one has spoken to her that way in ages. As Hugh lines up the shot: HUGH What do you love most in all the world? WHEELCHAIR WOMAN (smiling warmer) My daughter. She has the most beautiful smile... Click! INT. STATIONERY STORE -- DAY Track along a shelf of PICTURE FRAMES filled with Hugh's photos -- James Coleman and Wendy, the Wheelchair Woman, etc. EXT. ATM -- DAY Hugh proudly pulls a thick WAD OF CASH from the ATM. Smiles as he stuffs it in his wallet. 15. EXT. PHOTOMAT -- DUSK Hugh approaches the entrance, towing a handful of exposed STILL FILM ROLLS. As he's about to enter, he stops to see... THE DMV. Across the street. Looks at it longingly. Thinks. Finally, he turns his back on it and sadly enters the Photomat. INT. GROCERY STORE -- DAY Hugh pulls a NEW TOOTHBRUSH off the shelf. EXT. DENTIST'S OFFICE -- DAY Hugh enters... INT. DENTIST'S OFFICE - WAITING ROOM -- DAY Hugh sits on the couch, next to a THIN MAN, as they both fill out their insurance forms on clipboards. Hugh affixes his Driver's License (with the glum photo) to the top of the form via paperclip. His eyes wander to the Thin Man's form and Driver's License... And Hugh freezes. His eyes practically pop out of his head. He has seen something he can't believe. Reveal: The Thin Man's Driver's License. It's an ordinary license except that in the picture the Thin Man is smiling. Hugh's lost for words. To the Thin Man: HUGH're...smiling...but she...? Hugh drops his clipboard and races out of the building. EXT. DMV -- DAY Hugh races in the front door... INT. DMV - PHOTO SPACE -- DAY Hugh races to the PHOTO SPACE and rounds the corner to see... A ruddy-faced ANGRY MAN operating Victoria's camera, taking photos of the usual sad-faced suspects. ANGRY MAN Next! 16. Hugh, out of breath, begs the man for information: HUGH Sir -- where's Victoria? ANGRY MAN (firmly) Victoria? She was fired. HUGH Why? ANGRY MAN She smiled. Hugh's thrown for a loop. Can't believe it. The Angry Man pulls out a stack of LICENSE PHOTO PROOF SHEETS -- and in every one of them, the people are smiling HUGE smiles. ANGRY MAN Look at this! It's a disgrace what she did! We can't have that! Hugh pages through them. Dozens and dozens of sincere smiles. Hugh's so happy, he could burst but... HUGH I don't What happened? Where is she? ANGRY MAN I don't know and I don't care. Now get outta here, ya smilin' freak! EXT. MALL FOOD COURT -- DAY The same food court where Victoria ate lunch. Hugh walks frantically among the diners, searching. She's not there. EXT. CITY STREET - DUSK The same street where Victoria walked her dog. Hugh stands, scanning the street as other dogs and owners pass. Nothing. EXT. COFFEE SHOP PATIO -- NIGHT Hugh stands in silhouette at the same coffee shop where Victoria had a latte. Nothing. It's quiet. Crickets. Finally, Hugh hangs his head. It's no use. She's lost. 17. EXT. PHOTOMAT -- DAY Hugh once again approaches the entrance with a handful of exposed STILL FILM ROLLS -- but this time, he stops. Something's amiss. Reveal: A BUSTLING LINE OF PEOPLE streaming out the door of the photomat. Not unlike the lines that used to form at his kiosk. Hugh curiously follows the line and enters... INT. PHOTOMAT -- DAY The lines snakes through the front and into the back hallway, under a sign which reads: "PASSPORT PHOTOS ---->" Hugh follows it... AROUND THE CORNER ...where he sees the line end at a PHOTO SETUP. Taking the passport photos is VICTORIA. And her manner with her customers is quite familiar: VICTORIA You are awesome. You're going to have so much fun on this trip, the stories you're going to tell people when you get back'll be amazing. The WOMAN whose photo she's taking blushes: WOMAN Well...thank you. I hope so. Hugh's stunned. And that's when Victoria sees him. She freezes. And she releases what Hugh always knew she had: A 1000-watt smile. Eyes lock. Magic. The whole line falls silent. Everyone sense the connection being made. Victoria approaches Hugh slowly. He's still mystified: HUGH I don't understand. I tried everything. What happened? Victoria takes a deep breath: VICTORIA When I was a little girl, my mother got very sick. And she stayed that way. And 18. (MORE) she got so sad, she forgot how to smile. And seeing her like that -- I couldn't smile either. And I didn't for years. (holding back her emotion) But then one day, a young man came up to her. He told her how beautiful she was. So beautiful he wanted to take her picture. He made her smile again. And suddenly, after all these years -- she got better. Hugh flushes with emotion. He sees a PHOTO in Victoria's work area -- of Victoria and her MOTHER -- the WHEELCHAIR WOMAN he validated and photographed. VICTORIA (cont'd) I knew it was you. I looked everywhere for you. I went to every parking garage in the city, paid every fee they've got...but I couldn't find you. Hugh's holding back tears: HUGH You...paid for parking for me? Victoria nods, looks right in his eyes and says, just like classic Hugh: VICTORIA Yes. Because you are great. You are amazing. Hugh's quivering: HUGH No one's ever said that to me before. A moment. Then, finally, they kiss. The Passport Line applauds wildly. And the raucous group reprises the Gospel Tune from the opening, clapping their hands, stomping their feet and singing: PASSPORT LINE Smile smile smile Toss the frown down on the pile (Oh Lordy --) Smile smile smile You'll forget about all yo' trials Slowly, familiar faces emerge in the line to join in the closing number: George W., Saddam, James Coleman, Wendy, the Mall Cops, the Suits, Depressed, the Reporter, the Police Officer, the Dentists, etc. Just about everyone that's been in this entire film is there singing and clapping. 19. VICTORIA (cont'd) LATER Victoria takes Hugh's passport photo. He smiles big. FLASH! The song continues: PASSPORT LINE (V.O. cont'd) So if you're feeling blue All ya gotta do... CLOSE ON HUGH AND VICTORIA'S PASSPORTS as they're stamped. PASSPORT LINE (V.O. cont'd) Is take a good hard look and find the good in you Smile smile smile (oh Lordy--) EXT. PARIS / VIEW OF THE EIFFEL TOWER (PROCESS SHOT) -- DUSK Hugh and Victoria, on vacation, pose as a third party takes their picture with the Eiffel Tower in the background. PASSPORT LINE (V.O. cont'd) Smile smile smile... INT. PARISIAN PARKING GARAGE Hugh and Victoria hand their Parking Ticket to a UNIFORMED MAN at a kiosk, which reads: "VALIDATION." PASSPORT LINE (V.O. cont'd) Smile smile SMILE!!! The Uniformed Man stamps the ticket. His stamp reads... THE END